Chennai, Tamil Nadu – Great news for readers of the influential Tamil family weekly magazine Kalki, the children’s monthly Gokulam Tamil and the other magazines from the Kalki Group – Mangayar Malar, Deepam and Gokulam English! The updated Kalki app for iPad is available now, and makes it even easier for informative, inspiring stories and articles to enhance your life.

Kalki was the pen name of legendary Tamil freedom fighter and writer R. Krishnamurthy. His “Alai Osai” novel, which he considered to be his best, won the Sahitya Akademi Award – and it’s in the inspirational stream of Kalki’s writing that the magazines for young and old alike are made available through the Kalki app. While the app itself is free, it offers value to readers who can subscribe to the various magazines and publications.

For example, the current Gokulam Tamil – a progressive youth magazine – offers a business special report on the film industry, a profile on a prominent Indian chess player, a story about fire safety, health and fitness advice, a creative crafts corner, even a recipe for younger readers. Children will love the Kalki brand, and adults will appreciate even more the sophisticated and informative articles Kalki offers them.

“In order to expose the magazine to the next level among worldwide users, we have incorporated the feature to subscribe the full preview of the magazines,” said the Publisher and Managing Director of the Kalki Group, Ms. Lakshmi Natarajan. “These include Mangayar Malar, Deepam and Gokulam through in-app purchases on a weekly basis.”

Device Requirements:
* iOS 5.0 or later
* Compatible with iPad
* Size: 7.8 MB
* Language: English

Pricing and Availability:
Kalki is a Free app and available across the globe through the iTunes App Store in the Books category. The app has various Kalki subscription packages starting from one month to a year subscription. Using the app, readers can create an account with Kalki and then subscribe, renew, alter settings, manage a subscription or even upgrade a subscription. Sample subscription rates include a single edition of Gokulam or its English edition for just $0.99 USD, or an annual subscription of Kalki for just $9.99 USD. The Kalki app makes it possible to order bundles of the magazines.

Kalki Magazine 1.3
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App Icon

Hari Krishnan Rajendran, the Manager Operations of Kalki Group will continue exposing the magazines to the next level and their main motto is to inspire and enable people to enjoy reading by providing the most trusted and engaging information to 7 lakh readers of all ages in the upcoming versions. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 Kalki Group. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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