In iOS 6 Apple made it easy to convert your iPhone app to new 4-inch tall screen size. In XCode, select .xib or .storyboard file of your app, for example, MainWindow.xib or MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard, and go to File Inspector. Find “Use Autolayout” checkbox and check it. This will adjust all views according to screen size. Secondly, supply a larger default splash image of the new size 640 px by 1136 px and name it Default-568h@2x.png.
Within your app you can actually detect whether it is iPhone 5 or not and use the appropriate splash screen image. Use this code to detect iPhone 5:
#define IS_IPHONE_5 ( fabs( ( double )[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height - ( double )568 ) < DBL_EPSILON )
and later in your app delegate
splashImage = (IS_IPHONE_5) ? @"Default-568h@2x.png" : @"Default.png
The splash image will tell iOS what resolution you use. Possibly you need to adjust some fixed size views if any. But all my apps worked with new resolution correctly.