Portland, Oregon – Children’s app developers Hans-Peter of Delft, The Netherlands and Pretendasaurus of Portland, Oregon have collaborated from across the globe to create two new sets of printable fold-to-make toys that are now available through the Little Zebra Shopper Gold Edition iPad App and also with the free version of the Little Zebra Shopper iPad app.

The Little Zebra Shopper Gold Edition and Little Zebra Shopper free app turn the iPad into a realistic cash register that kids can use to ring up printable toys by scanning a working bar code to play shopkeeper. Dr. PetPlay is an iPad app that lets children play veterinarian with their own plush animals. The apps are open-ended, encourage cooperative play and have a realistic prop-like design that prepares the environment for children to create their own games.

Dr. PetPlay and Little Zebra Shopper apps have been highly recommended and reviewed by parents, children, educators, app review sites, therapists and speech language pathologists. Dr. PetPlay has also been featured by Apple in Best New Apps in Education.

The new printable fold-to-make toys are available in both a Pet Shop and Medical Themed set. The Pet Shop set will include pet food, pet toys and a fish tank. The medical set contains items for children to play pet doctor with items such as bandages, shampoo and a toothbrush to care for their plush toys. The boxes have a functional lid that opens and closes when assembled.

Little Zebra Shopper and Dr. PetPlay can be played together on the iPad by switching between apps seamlessly during children’s creative play.

Little Zebra Shopper Gold Edition and Dr. PetPlay are available on the App Store for the price of $2.99 (USD). The Free version of Little Zebra Shopper requires an in app purchase for the toys. Dr. PetPlay has a Free version to play veterinarian with a cat.

Little Zebra Shopper Gold Edition 1.4
Purchase and Download
Dr. PetPlay iTunes Preview
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Pretendasaurus, LLC is a 3-person children’s app studio in Portland, Oregon, dedicated to creating fun pretend-play apps that empower children and embrace their favorite ways to play. Copyright (C) 2014 Pretendasaurus, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, iPod touch, and Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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