New York, New York – With a clear directive to empower the prospective luxury consumer, help luxury brand patrons make informed choices and stay tuned into the world of luxury, Outlook launches Outlook Splurge, a free lifestyle magazine that will be on Magzter Digital newsstand every month.
Splurge is the Outlook Group’s 17th magazine on the world’s fastest and largest growing global digital multi-platform newsstand and book store, Magzter and its second free periodical after Outlook Women Special Empower Magazine. In its debut issue Splurge focuses on how to get a taste of the high life by telling readers to pen up their tight fists! Allow yourself a few luxuries, once every month as you get ready to … Splurge!
“We share a great rapport with the Outlook Group and their publications have been a part of Magzter’s newsstand for quite a while. Outlook brings out some of the best pieces in journalism, business, finance, travel and lifestyle; now with Splurge, Outlook is set to reign over the luxury segment as well. We are happy to launch the digital edition of Splurge on Magzter where we have more than 21 million smart device users, most of whom would identify with such a publication”. – said Girish Ramdas, CEO and Co-Founder, Magzter Inc.
“The lifestyle and luxury segment in India has grown exponentially; holidays, cars, jewellery, watches, yachts and so much more; paving the way for numerous publications in the country and abroad to feature them. Splurge the newest publication from Outlook dives into this market to help consumers make informed choices. We congratulate The Outlook Group on Splurge.” – said Vijay Radhakrishnan, President and Co-Founder, Magzter Inc.
Launched in October 1995, Outlook the weekly news-magazine galvanised a sluggish market reeling under the impact of satellite TV. Outlook quickly carved a niche for itself among discerning readers who value its in-depth, investigative reporting as well as its stylish visual format. It has shaken the establishment on events ranging from Kargil to Kashmir to Cricket, sensitised the reading public to important issues like big dams, education and gender and provided an unremitting focus on South Asian geopolitics, adjourned the parliament on phone tapping issues. Since its launch, Outlook the most exciting and the fastest growing news weekly magazine in India continues to redefine the news magazine market.
Outlook’s circulation has grown at an astounding pace and continues to grow. Personality of the magazine can be described as young, vibrant, bold, daring, and contemporary and is the preferred magazine of readers who are trend-setters, savvy, image conscious, and open to new ideas and products with high exposure levels. Outlook Group also prints magazines in various genres across the country. India’s most read and No1 travel magazine Outlook Traveller; Outlook Business keeps its readers ahead of the curve; Outlook Money is India’s No 1 Personal Finance magazine; Outlook Hindi is a monthly that covers features and current affairs; Outlook Traveller Luxe is a new addition that covers Luxury travel and Outlook Traveller guide books carve out a road map for travellers in need of information. Hence, Outlook has always been the base vehicle for advertisers of premium products and services.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 16.8 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Magzter Magazine & Book Store 3.1.4 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the News category.
Magzter – Magazine & Book Store 3.1.4
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Magzter Inc. is the world’s largest and fastest growing self-service, cross-platform digital magazine store and newsstand with over 19 million digital consumers, more than 3500 magazines, 1000s of books and comic titles from over 1000 publishers. Headquartered in New York, Magzter has its local offices in London, Paris, Barcelona, Munich, Amsterdam, Cape Town, Chennai and Singapore and will soon be expanding to other countires. Founded by global entrepreneurs, Girish Ramdas and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan in June 2011, Magzter enables magazine publishers around the world to create and deliver digital editions of their titles to global consumers. Powered by its proprietary OREY Click Publishing System(R), Magzter also enables their customers to publish interactive/audio-visual content in the magazine as it supports HTML 5. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 Magzter Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.