New York, New York – The world’s largest and fastest growing global digital cross-platform newsstand and magazine store, Magzter boasts of digital magazines Dep, Dan Ong, Autocar Vietnam, Stuff Vietnam and Doanh Nhan from Le Media, Vietnam. Le Media is one of the largest media and publishing groups in Vietnam and is a pioneer in developing magazines.

Magzter’s expansion across the Asian continent and in Vietnam recently, can be credited to a keen and devoted team that works consistently to identify publishers like the new-age Le Media who want to escalate the reach of their content via digital platforms. Le Media’s magazines in Vietnamese, will now reach Magzter’s 23 million global users and a host of other digital content consumers through Magzter’s extended digital marketing.

It is a well-known fact that the Le Media Group develops and runs some of the largest and most successful entertainment and lifestyle-oriented titles in Vietnam and the following are available on Magzter:

* Autocar Vietnam – A brand with over 115 years of history and the first independent car magazine in the world; Autocar has more circulation than any other car publications worldwide. Autocar Vietnam is the continuation of this tradition. The Vietnamese version is priced at $13.99 USD on Magzter for an annual subscription.

* Dep, launched in 1999, is the first premium lifestyle and beauty magazine for women and perhaps the biggest influence in Vietnam, acclaimed for its features on fashion, beauty, culture and art. The magazine is priced at $15.99 USD for an annual subscription on Magzter.

* Dan Ong, the gentlemen’s magazine, is a journal of sports, culture and men’s fashion, entertainment and lifestyle. It is the first and the only one in Vietnam to have content suitable for the modern urban man. It is priced at $11.99 USD for an annual subscription on Magzter.

* Stuff Vietnam, the Vietnamese edition of international gadget and technology magazine is priced at $11.99 USD for an annual subscription.

* Doanh Nhan is a prestigious bi-weekly business and economics publication of the country priced at $12.99 USD for an annual subscription on Magzter.

“Le Media looks at all possible options for its digital strategic approach. As a very early player in this trend in Vietnam, we believe in interactive integrated solutions that can provide an ecosystem that helps to catch up with all different styles of reading. Magzter is a well-established global digital newsstand, which gives us a very good chance to reach to the new large markets we don’t want to miss out. The partnership with Magzter promises to give us an opportunity to leverage our commitment to spearhead in this digital magazine industry.” – Le Quoc Vinh, Chairman & CEO, Le Invest (Holdings) Corp.

“Le Media was created by a group of people with a collective experience of several years in publishing, driven by passion, much like what makes up Magzter. We are very pleased to be associated with Le Media through its publications. Vietnam is swiftly catching up with other Asian contenders in digital publishing and we are certain that this partnership is headed for even bigger things.” – Girish Ramdas, CEO, Magzter Inc.

“Le Media is only preceded by its great reputation in Vietnam; inspite of being a more recent entrant into the market. The magazines from Le Media have grasped the pulse of the people in Vietnam and we are happy to be able to make this content available to readers on Magzter, around the globe. We look forward to gathering some valuable insights on publishing in Asia, from Le Media.” – Vijay Radhakrishnan, President and Co-Founder, Magzter Inc.

Le Media JSC, a member of Le Group of Companies, was incorporated in 2004 by a group of private media investors who have experienced in publishing industries for many years. Starting with Dep (Beauty) Magazine, which had been initiated back in 1999 by one of the key investors, Le Media is today one of the largest media and publishing groups in Vietnam.

Le Media is strategic commercial partners of Vietnam News Agency. Currently, the Group, together with Vietnam News Agency, develops and operates some of the largest and most successful entertainment and lifestyle-oriented titles in Vietnam – Dep (Beauty) Magazine for women, and Dan Ong (the Gentlemen’s Magazine) for men. Le Media is also the developer of Stuff Vietnam, an international-frenchized gadget and technology magazine; and Doanh Nhan, a bi-weekly business publication.

The Company, in fact, is a pioneer in developing high-quality magazines in Vietnam. Apart from the two monthly magazines, Le Media is publishing books, internal magazines and newspapers for commercial clients. One of the most successful books is the annual Wedding Season Catalog (Mua Cuoi), which usually comes out in early September. The Wedding Season Catalog is always the best sellers and the must-see for would-be couples in Vietnam.

In 2006, Le Media established a TV Program-focused subsidiary called Le Media Studio, whose jobs are buying TV rights and distributing in local TV channels. Le Media Studio also develops concept, format and produces TV programs. With a quickly-expanding network, Le Media is seen as a new but ambitious player in this field.

Magzter counts among its publisher customers some marquee names including Hearst (USA), Conde Nast (USA), Newsweek (USA), AMI (USA), Dennis Publishing (UK), Haymarket (UK), Media24 (South Africa), Edipresse Asia (HK), India Today Group (India), WorldWide Media (India), MAXIM Inc. (USA), Black Enterprise (USA), Singapore Press Holdings (Singapore), RBA (Spain), Grupo Expansion (MX), ePub Direct, Casemate Group, Ivy Press, Oxbow Books, AUK, Gill & McMillan, Westland, Arcturus Publishing Ltd, Osprey Group, Leadstart Publishing, Panoma Press and has been rapidly expanding its publisher base with magazines and books from more than 50 countries including USA, UK, Germany, Spain, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and more, making Magzter truly the #1 choice for book readers and publishers the world over.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 17.0 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Magzter – Magazine & Book Store 3.2.3 is free and available worldwide through the App Store in the News category. The app is also available on Google Play, and Windows 8, the web, Amazon App Store and Kindle Fire and is expanding to more platforms soon. Magzter’s easy purchase and renewal systems ensure subscriptions are paid on time, eliminating the need for paper checks and postal mail issues. Users can buy their magazines on any of the above devices/platforms and seamlessly port their purchases to any other devices, a feature unique to Magzter.

Magzter – Magazine & Book Store 3.2.3
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Magzter Inc. is the world’s largest and fastest growing self-service, cross-platform digital magazine store and newsstand with over 19 million digital consumers, more than 3500 magazines, 1000s of books and comic titles from over 1000 publishers. Headquartered in New York, Magzter has its local offices in London, Paris, Barcelona, Munich, Amsterdam, Cape Town, Chennai and Singapore and will soon be expanding to other countires. Founded by global entrepreneurs, Girish Ramdas and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan in June 2011, Magzter enables magazine publishers around the world to create and deliver digital editions of their titles to global consumers. Powered by its proprietary OREY Click Publishing System(R), Magzter also enables their customers to publish interactive/audio-visual content in the magazine as it supports HTML 5. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 Magzter Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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