New York, New York – Obscurae, a fashion magazine that promotes fashion, fashion designs, fashion photography, arts and anything unique tied with fashion is now available on the world’s largest and fastest growing digital multi-platform newsstand, Magzter. A monthly magazine on new and upcoming artists, launched in 2014; Obscurae delves into a world where fashion is not the usual and has something different, weird, unusual, and possibly something dark. This is our vision to bring to you.
Magzter has expanded its digital presence significantly in the United States over the last year adding several interesting, independent publications from all over the country, like Obscurae from Tenessee to their newsstand. In the latest issue of Obscurae here’s what you will find is Designer Carmichael Byfield, designer Sofia Z, Nocturna Carnevale, Devil’s Carnivale, Paolo Prisco, Yane Mode and so much more!
“We are very pleased to partner with Magzter in growing the online distribution of Obscurae Magazine. We are confident that Magzter with its 24 million subscribers will help us grow our audience and image to the world. We continue to seek new methods to engage with a global audience who is looking for digital content and Magzter provides us with that platform. We hope everyone enjoys the difference of beauty that we have to share.” – Aelise Beattie Davis, Editor-in-Chief, Obscurae Magazine.
“We are happy to introduce Obscurae Magazine to our readers on Magzter. With its fabulous photography, innovative design and interesting showcases on new artists, Obscurae makes for intriguing reading especially for art and fashion enthusiasts.” – Girish Ramdas, CEO, Magzter Inc.
“Obscurae presents a really vivid interpretation of art and fashion through its articles. Having been launched only last year, the magazine has captured the interest of readers very quickly by keeping up its vision of daring to be different. We are excited to see the responses that we will receive by having Obscurae on Mazgter’s newsstand!” – Vijay Radhakrishnan, President, Magzter Inc.
Aelise Davis, the Editor in Chief of Obscurae Magazine wants to help fellow artists gain the exposure and attention of the world that they deserve. She believes that Obscurae is a great way to open the fashion industry to something different and unique. She has been featured on different magazines and also on Vogue Italia.
Magzter counts among its publisher customers some marquee names including Hearst (USA), Conde Nast (USA), Newsweek (USA), AMI (USA), Dennis Publishing (UK), Haymarket (UK), Media24 (South Africa), Edipresse Asia (HK), India Today Group (India), WorldWide Media (India), MAXIM Inc. (USA), Black Enterprise (USA), Singapore Press Holdings (Singapore), RBA (Spain), Grupo Expansion (MX), ePub Direct, Casemate Group, Ivy Press, Oxbow Books, AUK, Gill & McMillan, Westland, Arcturus Publishing Ltd, Osprey Group, Leadstart Publishing, Panoma Press and has been rapidly expanding its publisher base with magazines and books from more than 50 countries including USA, UK, Germany, Spain, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, etc., making Magzter truly the #1 choice for book readers and publishers the world over.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 17.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Magzter – Magazine & Book Store 3.2.4 is free and available worldwide through the App Store in the News category. The annual subscription of Obscurae magazine is priced at $7.99 (USD) on Magzter which is 63% less than the print edition. The app is also available on Google Play, and Windows 8, the web, Amazon App Store, Kindle Fire, and NOOK and is expanding to more platforms soon. Magzter’s easy purchase and renewal systems ensure subscriptions are paid on time, eliminating the need for paper checks and postal mail issues. Users can buy their magazines on any of the above devices/platforms and seamlessly port their purchases to any other devices, a feature unique to Magzter.
Magzter – Magazine & Book Store 3.2.4
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Magzter Inc. is the world’s largest and fastest growing self-service, cross-platform digital magazine store and newsstand with over 24 million digital consumers, more than 5000 magazines, 1000s of books and comic titles from over 2000 publishers. Headquartered in New York, Magzter has its local offices in London, Paris, Barcelona, Munich, Amsterdam, Cape Town, Chennai and Singapore and will soon be expanding to other countires. Founded by global entrepreneurs, Girish Ramdas and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan in June 2011, Magzter enables magazine publishers around the world to create and deliver digital editions of their titles to global consumers. Powered by its proprietary OREY Click Publishing System(R), Magzter also enables their customers to publish interactive/audio-visual content in the magazine as it supports HTML 5. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2015 Magzter Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.