Ludwigshafen, Germany – smuttlewerk interactive is happy to announce the latest triple patch, featuring cross-playability between the three games of their “Battlle” series of games. Many people played a Battleship-style game at least once in their lives be it in school or at home. These memories can be refreshed, thanks to smuttlewerks games Fleet Battle, Air Battle and Space Battle.
These variants of the timeless classic, known as sea battle or Battleship, differ due to their theme and different ship forms. With patch 1.3 live since April 20th, it is now possible to lead your sea flotilla against the enemy air fleet or space fleet and vice versa. Different ship forms equal different search patterns and alternate strategies, which helps with re-playability. It is up to the user to choose whether he wants to combat players playing one of the other two games.
Several game modes make the games enjoyable for players: singleplayer, multiplayer online, multiplayer local (Bluetooth and local wifi) and multiplayer on one device. All modes are cross-platform compatible on Apple (App Store) and Android (Google Play) devices, except the Bluetooth variant, which is only available for Android users. A Windows Phone version is available, but all network compatibility is removed.
Graphically as well as gameplay wise the game-design philosophy can be described easily: Keep it simple! Combat is fast-paced and exciting, perfect for the quick game in between. The blueprint style, the sounds and the self-composed ambient music make for a memorable gaming atmosphere.
Since the first release of the flagship of the series in 2013, Fleet Battle, the games were downloaded more than 2 million times. All games are free to download with ads as monetization measure. The ads can be removed by paying a small amount of money.
Battlle Series
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Located in Ludwigshafen, Germany, smuttlewerk interactive was founded by Martin Giaco and Ralph Kunz in October 2010. We play games. We love games. We create games. That’s basically what smuttlewerk interactive is all about. Copyright (C) 2010-2016 smuttlewerk interactive. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.