Coeur d’Alene, Idaho – DEVONtechnologies updates all editions of its intelligent information and document manager DEVONthink as well as its iOS counterpart DEVONthink To Go. The new versions address many PDF issues related to macOS Sierra and add workflow improvements. ELO Office users can now easier switch to DEVONthink. On iOS, DEVONthink To Go 2.0.5 adds a PDF thumbnail view, remembers reading positions, and is more responsive. All updates are free and recommended for all users.
DEVONthink 2.9.5 for the Mac addresses further PDF and scanning issues introduced with macOS Sierra. It is again possible to reorganize pages using the PDF sidebar. PDF forms save entered content and highlighting is once more reliable. In addition, DEVONthink 2.9.5 supports Services in the PDF sidebar and allows to easily add and edit links in PDF documents.
Both DEVONthink and DEVONnote add new conditions to smart groups. ELO Office users planning to move to the Mac will like that version 2.9.6 honors metadata, e.g., item names, and skips additional files when importing data. The sharing extension for DEVONthink supports images, e.g., from web browsers, and uses less energy. Finally, formatted notes no longer strip form-related tags and save the state of checkboxes.
DEVONthink To Go 2.0.5 remembers reading and playback positions and, optionally, synchronizes them with other devices. The update adds a PDF thumbnail view, lets the user stop and restart audio recordings, and makes the user interface more responsive. Both Mac and iOS editions synchronize smaller files up to twice as fast via Bonjour and improve the sync reliability and performance too.
The updates for DEVONthink, DEVONnote, and DEVONthink To Go are free for existing users and highly recommended.
Pricing and Availability:
All editions of DEVONthink require an Intel-based Mac and Mac OS X 10.9 or later. They can be downloaded from and be test-driven for free before they need to be properly licensed. DEVONthink Personal is also available in the App Store; DEVONthink can be purchased in bundles with DEVONagent for a bundle price in DEVONtechnologies’ online shop. DEVONthink To Go requires iOS 9.1 or later and is available through the iOS App Store as soon as it has passed the app review.
* DEVONthink Pro Office: US $149.95
* DEVONthink Pro: US $79.95
* DEVONthink Personal: US $49.95 (App Store: $49.99)
* DEVONnote: US $24.95 (App Store: $24.99)
* DEVONthink To Go: US $14.99 (in-app purchases available)
More Information:
Customers find more information about our apps on the DEVONtechnologies website. Eric Bohnisch-Volkmann also posts news, opinions, previews, and public betas in his blog Devonian Times.
DEVONthink 2.9.5
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DEVONtechnologies LLC creates end-user and server applications for the Mac and iOS platforms that enhance productivity, organization, and user experience with unique artificial intelligence technology. All applications are focused on both ease of use and satisfying the needs of even the most savvy users. The underlying DEVONtechnology is a flexible and versatile foundation that can be used for a large range of purposes from databases, data mining, and information retrieval to human-computer interfaces. DEVONtechnologies LLC was founded 2002 and incorporated 2004, and is today headquartered in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, USA. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2016 DEVONtechnologies LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.