
Children’s Music Shines In New Kids App: Preschool Musical

Children love music and parents will enjoy watching them singing along to this app. California based Fairytale Studios announces Preschool Musical for iOS, its new educational app featuring a special combination of musical gameplay that has never been seen before on a mobile device. There are hours full of exploration, perfect for entertaining restless toddlers. Parents can feel relaxed as their child engages in a tasteful musical and learning-oriented experience.


Get the digital magazine TechLife News on Magzter today

Premier digital magazine, TechLife News is now available on Magzter, the world’s largest and fastest growing global digital newsstand and magazine store. TechLife News combines a unique, dynamic and intelligent approach with exquisite design and easily accessible interactive content. TechLife News delivers up to the minute information on Apple related news, products and services as well as reviews of the latest in music, books, podcasts, films, TV series, apps, games and much more.


Top 10 Tips Mobile App Available to Download Now

UK based Creativedge has used their expertise to create Top 10 Tips, an application providing immediate expert training tips, techniques and insights while on the move. The app includes a comprehensive library of practical tips and techniques that can be accessed wherever you are. The library automatically saves your purchases and categorises them. There are hundreds of tips available to help improve your business and personal skills, covering management, leadership, sales, marketing and more.


MiBlock Lets Users Create Their Own Universe & Share Them With The World

Tayasui’s brilliant new iPad app MiBlock 1.2 lets users create great models by dropping different shaped blocks on a 3D canvas, with cool colors or realistic textures and then share or download creations in the MiBlock community. Users can look at their model from any angle using a 360 degree camera, zoom in and out to see both small details and the big picture. Users can also drive a car around their creations and destroy them with tons of crazy weapons and realistic physics and sounds.


Flashy Bird Fly Up – MultiPlayer app is an alternative to Swing Copters

California based Infosil announces Flashy Bird: Fly Up 1.3 for iOS, a multiplayer game of flying vertically through a maze of obstacles. This is a fun game where the players fly through a series of obstacles using tilt controls. Featuring over 100 different levels, players fly through six beautiful worlds with six different pets in this challenging and fun game. Watch out for the obstacles as they get harder to navigate as your skills improve.


TakeOff Running Shows its Face on Apple App Store

It seems that Development Innovations has passed their excitement down to gamers all over the world. Introducing TakeOff Running to the Apple App Store has already proved to be a major boost for this app development company. Many of you were already aware of TakeOff Running on the Google Play Store & Amazon App Store, but today was officially the big day for Apple. Now, even more gamers are enjoying the hysterical storyline as well as the overall awesomeness of the game play. Check it out now!


Kickstarter your app – Learn to Make iPhone Apps with Swift for iOS 8

iPhone App Expert, Paul Solt, is Kickstarting a bundle of online iPhone courses for iOS 8 this fall. The courses guide you through programming, app design, App Store submission, and how to market your app. The iOS 8 course bundle includes three iPhone app and game courses: Swift and iOS 8 Apps in 31 Days, iPhone Games with Sprite Kit in 31 Days and Real World App Experience. The Kickstarter project is nearly funded and is on track to get overfunded.


Make New Love Connections With TagDates – Blind Edition 1.2 for iOS

Netherland-based INGY today announces TagDates – Blind – Meet New People 1.2, an update to their innovative new dating app for iOS devices. The first dating app based solely on hashtags, TagDates – Blind edition is the second version of this popular social platform. Users can connect with others based on how their describe themselves through hashtags and not just based on their appearance. Version 1.2 features an updated interface and design based on the Gamification Principle.


World Factbook Visual Edition 1.0 Presents CIA Resource in Visual Way

iDevBooks today introduces World Factbook Visual Edition 1.0, their new educational app for iPad. World Factbook Visual Edition provides information on the people, society, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities in a visual way. Based on public domain material from the CIA World Factbook, World Factbook Visual Edition provides maps, graphs and statistics that can help users increase their global understanding.


Dropshare 3.3 featuring Rackspace Cloud Files

Independent developer, Timo Josten announces Dropshare for Mac, now available in version 3.3. The new version offers a bunch of new features for your favourite file sharing tool. Dropshare is now able to upload files to Rackspace Cloud Files – a frequently demanded feature that has now been released. Also, Dropshare is now able to convert Markdown files to HTML before uploading them. These & many other features have been introduced with the new version, plus a free trial version.