
Christmas Santa – Make this Christmas interesting One!!

Just in time for the Christmas Holidays, ViPrak Web Solutions introduces Christmas Santa – Make this Christmas interesting One!! 1.0, their fun and interesting game application developed for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. Players must help Santa Clause collect wish lists from the children and deliver gifts to them. Game players need to collect gifts by means of getting a higher score. The game is a great platform so that children will feel more the spirit of Christmas season.


DC Thomson’s 110% Gaming Magazine is now on Magzter Digital Newsstand

Global multi-platform newsstand and magazine store, Magzter, publishes the digital version of DC Thomson’s kids gaming title, 110% Gaming. 110% Gaming is aimed at eight to 12 year-old kids and focuses on multi-platform gaming and entertainment. Magzter is already home to digital versions of a number of DC Thomson titles including Commando, Dennis the Menace & Gnasher’s EPIC! Magazine, My Weekly, The Beano, The Scots Magazine, Scottish Wedding Directory, Evergreen, WWE Kids, and more.


Free holiday themed sound set in the latest version of Scratch Disc App

Today the makers of the popular Scratch Disc music app for iOS announce a special holiday gift for its users. Take scratching performances to the extreme with superhuman turntablism. Scratch Disc provides up to 12 turntable slots to load any sound imaginable and then scratch scratch scratch it to make rhythms and effects. The recently released version 1.0.2 update adds a variety of festive holiday content featuring all new sounds celebrating Christmas, Hanukah and New Years.


Drink or Doom – Comic book themed drinking game for extra tipsy holidays

Innovative, comic book themed drinking game for Android and iOS devices that helps you party like Caligula. Drink or Doom title says it all. It’s a game that offers you a choice between your drink or your doom, doom represents a mixture of challenges that make players do anything from slapping, kissing, impersonations, singing, dancing, calisthenics to public shame, Facebook shame, morning after shame and other types of activities better left unrecorded.


Solutions for Adobe InDesign and PDF Workflows on 50% off Holiday Sale

Zevrix Solutions, a developer of automation solutions for Adobe InDesign, PDF workflows and file delivery, announces today a holiday sale until December 31. The company offers 50% discount on all software including product bundles. Zevrix products include plug-ins for InDesign and Illustrator that automate printing and exporting, reduce linked image size and simplify file packaging. The company’s software also automate PDF printing and conversion, file delivery and output from Microsoft Office.


Put Your Accuracy to Test with Iceberg Tower – New Addictive iOS Game

This winter Ultralab challenges players to build the highest pile of ice in the new game Iceberg Tower. This is a winter version of a recently popular game The Tower. Players must build a high column by carefully placing the sliding ice blocks while enjoying amazing art style of the game. In order to get points in Iceberg Tower, one needs to accurately stack ice blocks upon each other in a way that the edges of a new block match the edges of the previous one.


G-Zone – A Free, Simple, Quick-To-Play, Addicting Game

California based MehtaiPhoneApps today introduces G-Zone 1.0, their brand new game title for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. The goal is very simple; Control a moon to avoid asteroids and stay alive for as long as you can. Tap and adjust the orbit of a moon to control it and dodge asteroids that are flying across the screen. This free game features simple controls and can easily become addicting, as it is fun trying to beat your high score.


WidgetCal 1.1 – Display Events and Reminders Without Unlocking Device

Yunasoft today announces WidgetCal 1.1, an update to their productivity app for iOS devices. Designed for efficiency, WidgetCal allows users to access their calendar when their device is in lockscreen mode. With just a swipe, WidgetCal displays events and reminders in the Notification Center. Available in both weekly or monthly view, users can even add an event or reminder directly into the WidgetCal display. WidgetCal also displays the full title of events rather than just dots.


Save 50% When You Purchase All Ten iNutrient Apps As A Bundle

Independent iOS Developer, James Hollender has set it up so when you purchase all ten iNutrient apps as a bundle, you get each app for approximately 50% off. These apps cover the following nutrients: Calories, Carbohydrates, Cholesterol, Fiber, Potassium, Proteins, Saturated Fat, Sodium, Sugars and Vitamin K. This collection is great for those interested in looking up the values in foods and don’t need to collect the information based on your food intake.


Subtitle Studio 1.2 released for Mac OS X – A Holiday Treat

As a special holiday treat, TheKeptPromise today releases Subtitle Studio 1.2 for OS X. Subtitle Studio is the most powerful subtitle app for Mac. Version 1.2 includes innovations like Tap2Sync and now adds a full chapter mark solution in one subtitle app. Effortlessly find, edit, create, fix, convert, adjust, organize, embed and so much more. The only subtitle solution you will ever need. The most powerful subtitle studio app just moved further ahead!