
Luxe Beat Magazine is now available on Magzter Digital Newsstand

A monthly digital magazine, featuring the best in luxury, Luxe Beat now comes aboard the world’s largest and fastest growing digital multi-platform newsstand and magazine store, Magzter. Luxe Beat Magazine was created to exceed expectations with extraordinary luxury and that is precisely what it does. The magazine is now set to provide Magzter’s 24 million readers with insider knowledge of unexpected luxury experiences written by writers who have travelled the globe to uncover the absolute best.


New Year, New Kamino: Kamino Labs Rolls Out Big Changes for 2015

Kamino Labs today rolls out a new version of their app and website with new and updated features, just in time for the new year. Created by explorers, the Kamino walking tour app is the ultimate way for locals and tourists to embark on an urban adventure. With Kamino explorers can unlock an authentic city experience, fully equipped with user-generated information like detailed area descriptions, photos, GPS enabled maps, and recommendations from travel experts and locals.


SwipeGram – A New Instagram Experience

Keslo Dev today introduces SwipeGram 1.0, their new Instagram supported app developed for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. Offering a whole new way to experience Instagram, SwipeGram allows users to swipe right and left across their feed, popular page and liked photos. Swipe left to browse photos and swipe right to like one. Access your feed, popular page and liked photos. View comments and more! SwipeGram also grants you access to all of your previously liked instagrams as well.


SudokuTeacher 1.01 for iPad released – Learn to solve Sudoku

Independent developer, Stephane Friedelmeyer today announces SudokuTeacher 1.01, an update to this popular strategy game developed for iPad. SudokuTeacher revolutionizes the process of learning to solve sudokus. By providing an exceptional comfort in game-play, it fosters the development of new skills in a flexible and intuitive way. Version 1.01 fixes a bug that prevented the update of sudoku dataBase display, in beginner or advanced mode.


WaterField Unviels American-Made Bolt Briefcase for Techies & Travelers

Local San Francisco manufacturer, Waterfield Designs today announces the Bolt Briefcase, designed with functionality and style for modern techies and business travelers. The ideal bag for today’s mobile professional, the Bolt Briefcase can be configured to fit just about any environment. Its classic lines and materials age beautifully and shift easily from professional to casual settings. The Bolt is made entirely in the USA and is available exclusively from the WaterField Designs online store.


Lords Wear Shining Armor in Haypi Kingdom: The Return of the King

Haypi Co., Ltd. today announces Haypi Kingdom: The Return of the King 1.0.5, an essential update to their massive multiplayer online strategy war game for iOS devices. As a feudal lord, you will lead an army of bravery; besiege forts; conquer lands; recruit diversified heroes, and strategize your combat formations and go on an expedition thousands of miles away. Version 1.0.5 includes major modifications, introduces new materials, remodeled Heroes and Equipment’s stats, and so much more.


MoneyWiz 2 – Personal Finance, released with Worldwide Online Banking

SilverWiz Ltd. today announces MoneyWiz 2, an important update to its personal finance software available for iOS and Mac. MoneyWiz is a complete personal finance software that allows people to easily manage accounts, budgets & bills, generate reports and much more. MoneyWiz 2 is a big leap forward, introducing more than 130 new features, new design and most importantly a unique Worldwide Online Banking integration. MoneyWiz can connect to more than 2200 financial institutions in 41 countries.


Oilfield Calendar helps overcome challenges faced by oilfield families

Arcwise, Inc. announces the updated app of Oilfield Calendar for iOS and Android devices. The energy business is booming, and with all those new oil and gas industry jobs come the scheduling challenges faced by oilfield families. This makes planning for birthdays, holidays and family camping trips hard to keep track of – but not with the simple to use Oilfield Calendar. With its easy-to-use interface, Oilfield Calendar makes for a smooth experience when customizing a hitch schedule.


DialZoo 1.0 – New iOS App to Call Anyone by their Email Address

Team DialZoo has released DialZoo 1.0, a new app that lets you call anyone by their email address, direct from your browser or your iPhone. Type the recipients email address in the form field of the DialZoo app and a free call is placed to their email address. Click on a DialZoo link from an iPhone and the app takes over to place the call. Users who wish to receive the calls on their phone lines just link their phone number to their email address in DialZoo.


kode80 Releases 1-bit Ninja Remix Rush and 1-bit Ninja App Bundle

Florida based kode80 LLC has announced the release of its new iOS game 1-bit Ninja Remix Rush and 1-bit Ninja Bundle. 1-bit Ninja Remix Rush takes the retro aesthetic, 2 button control and precise level design of the original and remixes it in a procedurally generated endless runner format. Players must navigate a constantly changing landscape of platforms, enemies and power-ups to travel as far as possible before the timer runs out.