
Track Your Time and Manage Your Tasks With Chrono Plus 1.0 For Mac

XwaveSoft today introduces Chrono Plus 1.0 for Mac, their new time tracking tool and task manager. Designed to assist in managing time and tasks more effectively, Chrono Plus for Mac offers a variety of handy features, such as the ability to track time and earnings, project visualization reports, and auto-generated invoices that can be immediately e-mailed to a client, saved to a cloud storage, or shared to DropBox. Also available for iOS devices, Chrono Plus can be synched across all devices.


Top Cool Fun Games Announces Here Lies Ego on iOS and Android

Seattle based Top Cool Fun Games, LLC. today introduces Here Lies Ego 1.1, their addictive new jet pack style side-scroller for iOS and Android devices. Full of hellish obstacles and surprises, in Here Lies Ego you play the ghost of Ego in an epic puzzle arcade adventure into the unknown. Navigate through the 9 circles of Hell’s Inferno full of demons, ghosts, freakish monsters, falling rocks, spewing lava, explosions, bombs, and more.


Brawlerz Nitro Greenlit on Steam

Australian based Bail! Enemy Jet and Rum Theory’s Greenlight project, Brawlers Nitro, has been officially greenlit for release on the Steam platform for Windows, Mac and Linux. Brawlerz Nitro is a top-down single and multiplayer vehicular combat game. It offers fast paced retro arcade style gameplay, team based multiplayer and single player gameplay. Multiple car classes, vehicle customisations and adaptable AI allow for dynamic car combat in a new and unique way.


The number of times Remotie was installed on iOS has reached 500,000

5 months after its release in the App Store, Kraftwerk 9 Inc. today announces that Remotie has been installed over 500,000 times. The app is most popular with European owners of Samsung devices, accounting for more than 230 installations. The app is actively used by those living in the US, who made almost 180,000 installations. Remotie allows full control of Samsung Smart TVs and Blu-ray players. The app will detect the Samsung device automatically, with navigation and voice text input support.


Download This Viral App, Sugar Jelly Crush Free on the App Store

Over 1.5 million downloads over the past month, Sugar Jelly Crush app goes viral on the popular social networks sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Take on these deliciously sweet levels of Sugar Jelly Crush from Beverly Hills, LLC. Connect matching delicious candy with jelly slime to create a flow. These tasty delicious candy and beautiful graphics make this app game brilliant, fun, challenging and unique. Sugar Jelly Crush is an addictive candy match game!


PhatWare Releases Two Notetaking Bundles for iOS

PhatWare Corporation today announces the Ultimate Handwriting and Notes bundle for iPhones and Ultimate Handwriting Bundle for iPad. The Ultimate Handwriting and Notes bundle for iPhones and Ultimate Handwriting Bundle for iPad featuring PhatWare’s state-of-the-art handwriting recognition and note-taking technologies, which have been around for more than 15 years on a variety of mobile devices, are designed to improve user’s productivity and take notes in the most efficient manner.


xDev Magazine Year 12 In Book Format – Pre-Order Sale

xDev Magazine is reprinting the past year’s issues into a convenient perfect-bound book which will be shipping in late January 2015. xDev Magazine is exclusively devoted to guiding developers in how to use the free Xojo development environment, from Xojo, Inc. The 534-page book contains the full contents of Year 12 of the magazine. Through January 23, the book may be pre-ordered for 25% off the normal price. Current subscribers can save even more with an additional subscriber-only discount.


Get the digital copy of Obscurae Magazine on Magzter today

Obscurae is now available on Magzter, the world’s largest and fastest growing digital multi-platform newsstand. Magzter has expanded its digital presence significantly in the United States, adding several interesting, independent publications like Obscurae to their newsstand. This fashion magazine promotes fashion, fashion designs, fashion photography, arts and anything unique tied with fashion. Obscurae delves into a world where fashion is not the usual and has something different and unusual.


Monitor and Track Trello Stats with Numerics Business Dashboard App

Numerics, the business dashboard app for the iOS that presents your key business metrics in one place, today introduces integration with the popular project management software Trello. Numerics displays live analytics, engagement metrics, revenue, and more from a growing list of over 25 cloud services in customizable dashboards and more. The new integration enables Trello users to measure the progress of work done in intuitive graphs and number tallies in-turn helping them make better decisions.


Free Label Templates for Pages for Mac Released

Worldlabel.com Inc. has released a large collection of free label templates for download for the word processor Pages which works on Apple Mac computers. The collection includes address, shipping, CD, DVD, mailing and other types of labels and sizes. Making your own labels with Pages using these blank templates is easy and the set up time is quick. Also included are templates for general labeling needs like filing, storage and many other application.