
Innovation & Tech Today chooses Magzter to widen its global presence

The leading publication for cutting edge, innovative technologies and individuals driving the industry forward; Innovation & Tech Today- IT&T now becomes available on Magzter, the world’s largest and fastest growing digital multi-platform magazine newsstand and and bookstore, spreading into newer territories and reach readers on their favorite digital devices. Innovation & Tech Today is a periodical committed to featuring fascinating stories, products, and people across a plethora of industries.


Print Window 5.2 – Update to Simple Yet Powerful Window Printing Utility

Searchware Solutions has announced Print Window 5.2, an update to their window printing utility for Mac OS X. Seamlessly integrated with the Mac OS X Finder, Print Window allows users to print a file listing of folders with a simple key command (or other methods of triggering a file listing). In addition to adding full Mac OS X Yosemite support, version 5.2 makes numerous improvements to add even greater versatility to this powerful, but easy-to-use tool.


Lucky competition winning fans star in hit mobile game Auction Wars

GameDigits Ltd., the makers of chart topping mobile game Auction Wars: Storage King, have recently released a new update. Following a competition run through social media, two fans of the free mobile game have had their likenesses recreated and now appear as characters in the game. The two new characters are available in the latest version of Auction Wars: Storage King which also sees the addition of some entirely new features.


Week Weather for iPhone praised for its slick and innovative approach

Week Weather, a new weather app for the iPhone received lot of attention and praise upon it’s launch. In a slick and innovative way it provides a 7 days forecast. At one glance users see on which days / times of days it will be sunny, raining or really cloudy, see a heat map of the week. c|net says: “You’ve not seen a weather forecast like this. It takes imagination and creativity to stand out with a weather app, but developer Wolfgang Augustin has done just that with Week Weather.”


Pixelmator 1.1 Introduces Watercolor Painting Technology

The Pixelmator Team today releases Pixelmator 1.1 (codenamed Aquarelle), a major update to its easy-to-use, fast and full-featured image editor for the iPad. Pixelmator gives everything you need to create, edit, and enhance your images, letting you work seamlessly between Mac and iPad. Version 1.1 comes with a unique watercolor painting technology, a collection of artist-designed watercolor brushes, a new Color Picker, twice as fast painting performance, and more.


First Apple Watch Game 2048 is Ready

ArchSquare will release the first 2048 game app for Apple Watch. 2048 is a popular puzzle game using sliding numbered tiles on a grid with the ultimate goal of creating a tile with the number 2048. The player engagement and enjoyment is different through the unique interface. For the first time, this game has been adapted to the form factor of the Apple Watch. The company is planning multiple casual games to be available on the launch day of the Apple Watch.


Bird Flight! – New Game offers a Refreshing Twist on the Flappy Games

Lazy Days, LLC introduces Bird Flight! 1.0, its newest game developed for iOS devices. In Bird Flight!, players tap to move the bird up and release to let him fall in the effort to make it through as many doors as possible. Players have to be skilled to make it through the narrow openings, but they also now must be quick to choose the top or bottom opening. Featuring very minimalist graphics and one-touch controls, Bird Flight! offers Flappy-style gameplay, Game Center support and more.


Social Prenup App Seeks to Prevent Revenge Porn and Online Embarrassment

California based Private Social LLC today introduces Social Prenup 1.0 for iOS and Android. Social Prenup aims to help stem the practice of revenge porn, by giving anyone the ability to quickly create a legally enforceable contract between two individuals. The contract requires someone to obtain consent before distributing photos or videos of a person on social media or other websites. These features give the user back some control about the public face they present to the world.


Print Messages or Export SMS as PDF from iPhone using SMS Export Plus

mTouchLabs today announces SMS Export Plus 1.7, their productivity app exclusively for iPhone and iPod touch. SMS Export Plus allows you to print, backup iMessages and SMS from your iPhone. Messages can be save as PDF using SMS Export Plus. You can archive and maintain records of all your messages at a single location in Excel file. Browse all backup messages in the .xls file very easily. You can filter messages by sender or sort messages by time and date.


Typinator 6.5 handles smart substitutions even smarter

Ergonis Software today announced the release of Typinator 6.5, a new version of their popular text expander. The new version adds a helpful new feature that lets you define the way how the system-wide “smart substitutions” settings for quotes, dashes, etc. are handled within Typinator. French speaking Typinator users will love to hear that Typinator now also accepts French quoting style (with double angle quotation marks and non-breaking spaces) in the marker for nested abbreviations.