Coeur d’Alene, Idaho – DEVONtechnologies LLC today updates all editions of its intelligent information and document manager DEVONthink as well as its iOS counterpart DEVONthink To Go with compatibility changes for Apple’s latest operating systems. The new releases also improve the overall reliabilty and performance. All updates are free and recommended for all users.

The updates to DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.9.5 improve compatibility to macOS Sierra. They fix issues related to Sierra’s new PDF library, changes in Mail’s script support, and more. In addition all four editions allow to restore previously dismissed alerts and to tab through date fields in the Info panel. Notifications have thumbnails now and videos can be zoomed also to 50 or 25 percent. DEVONthink 2.9.5 recognizes MPEG-2 transport stream videos now too.

DEVONthink To Go 2.0.4 fixes minor issues with iOS 10 as well as many issues related to memory and database management. The new version is also more responsive in everyday use. Hardware keyboard shortcuts for common functionality make the app faster to use on an iPad. Users clipping data from e.g. Safari or other apps can now send any file to DEVONthink To Go. Clip to DEVONtink also remembers the last used database. Markdown users will like the new MultiMarkdown renderer including support for links and custom CSS. Finally, it’s now possible to duplicate or trash items from smart groups which makes organizing on the go more comfortable.

Furthermore, both DEVONthink 2.9.5 and DEVOthink To Go 2.0.4 improve the synchronization reliability and performance. Synchronizing uses less disk space, less memory, and less bandwidth. It also also handles interrupted transfers better and cleans sync stores up to 13 times faster.

Mac users can now choose a shorter synchronization interval of one minute. On macOS Sierra DEVONthink 2.9.5 prevents users from creating or synchronizing databases in the Documents folder or on the Desktop if these locations are uploaded to iCloud Drive. DEVONthink To Go 2.0.4 adds the ability to unlink Dropbox to re-link with another account.

The updates for all editions of DEVONthink and DEVONnote as well as DEVONthink To Go are free for existings users and highly recommended.

Pricing and Availability:
All editions of DEVONthink require an Intel-based Mac and Mac OS X 10.9 or later. They can be downloaded from DEVONtechnologies and be test-driven for free before they need to be properly licensed.

* DEVONthink Pro Office: US $149.95
* DEVONthink Pro: US $79.95
* DEVONthink Personal: US $49.95 (App Store: $49.99)
* DEVONnote: US $24.95 (App Store: $24.99)
* DEVONthink To Go: US $14.99 (in-app purchases available)

DEVONthink Personal is also available in the App Store; DEVONthink can be purchased in bundles with DEVONagent for an attractive bundle price in DEVONtechnologies’ online shop. DEVONthink To Go requires iOS 9.1 or later and is available through the iOS App Store as soon as it has passed the app review.

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DEVONtechnologies LLC creates end-user and server applications for the Mac and iOS platforms that enhance productivity, organization, and user experience with unique artificial intelligence technology. All applications are focused on both ease of use and satisfying the needs of even the most savvy users. The underlying DEVONtechnology is a flexible and versatile foundation that can be used for a large range of purposes from databases, data mining, and information retrieval to human-computer interfaces. DEVONtechnologies LLC was founded 2002 and incorporated 2004, and is today headquartered in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, USA. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2016 DEVONtechnologies LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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