Bonn, Germany – Norbert M. Doerner is proud to announce the release of NeoFinder 7.0, a major rewrite of the disk cataloging software for the Macintosh. The new version offers a new, clean user interface, integrated Adobe XMP (IPTC) editing (including keywords from a controlled vocabulary), audio thumbnails for songs, improved cataloging and database engines for better performance, web galleries, and much more.

NeoFinder 7.x is a paid upgrade to licensed users of NeoFinder 6.x and the old CDFinder, upgrade price starting at 19 Euros. New licenses start at 29 Euros for a NeoFinder Private License.

New features and improvements of NeoFinder 7.0:
* New clean and dark or white user interface
* NeoFinder can now directly edit Adobe XMP (IPTC) metadata, both internal (for supported file formats) and external sidecar XMP
* NeoFinder now supports Ratings for photo, video, and prepress files. Both in cataloging, and in editing and searching
* NeoFinder now fully supports editing XMP Keywords, including a controlled vocabulary list of all your keywords
* Previews of audio files (NeoFinder is again the first tool to even offer this). Generate 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 second sound snippets, and play them in the Inspector
* New Details View is a mix of List View and Icon view with more details
* New Cataloging engine that is 20% faster, and can handle more modern file systems better
* New Database engine with improved performance
* Catalog Backblaze B2 storage buckets directly from within NeoFinder (requires Mac OS X 10.9 or newer)
* Put your catalogs in the web with the new Web Gallery for a nice HTML web export (Business License) with details page and thumbnails, both in Icon and List style
* Groups for Smart Folders and Albums: Organise your Albums and Smart Folders in groups, and even put groups into groups
* You can even edit keywords, ratings, and XMP fields for multiple selected items at once
* Compare pictures, and find similar motives, or different versions of the same image
* Get place name information for items with a Geotag, and optionally write this into the image
* New extended database file format that can handle much more than 4 GB of data per cataloged volume
* New Item menu in the main menu bar puts Ratings, Labels, and other item related options in one central place
* NeoFinder now remembers your Cataloging Preferences inside of each catalog, and uses them for an Update. You can edit them in the Inspector
* AutoUpdater also uses the saved Cataloging Preferences, and allows you to change them
* New View Settings window with optional 13pt font size, and all options for the four different View styles
* List View now has all the IPTC/XMP columns, too
* Thumbnails of photos and movies and now be 1024, 2048, and even 4096 px in size! This requires the new, extended catalog format to be activated
* New XML export with optional thumbnails (Business License)
* The Icon View now has a second line of text with helpful details for every file and folder
* Improved Inspector with Find context menu for many data fields, to find similar items quickly
* Much improved handling when the NeoFinder database folder is write protected. NeoFinder now first checks that when trying to catalog a disk, and will immediately show an error message – In that case, the selected NeoFinder database folder is also automatically revealed in the Finder, so you can check and adjust the access privileges
* Easier installation: NeoFinder now automatically moves itself to /Applications, if you want this
* Find items by Month or Date in any year
* You can now open multiple selected items at once with a double click
* Finding all photos, movies, or songs in a folder and all sub folders now also works for entire catalogs (in the context menu)
* It is now possible to sort the Column View with the little menu underneath it, just like the Icon View and the new Details View
* Sorting with the Sort Menu is now also possible by Kind, Rating, Comment, Path, and Label
* The Wikipedia Inspector can now copy the description text directly into the XMP caption of the selected file
* If you rename a file in the Finder from within NeoFinder, it will automatically rename a suitable sidecar file automatically
* New command in the context menu to Select All Duplicates in the results window of a Find Duplicates command
* NeoFinder now uses the new EXIFTool version 10.12 for geotagging
* After using the Tab key to get to the next edit field, Inspector always makes sure that this new edited field is actually visible
* NeoFinder now catalogs the video codec of video files, and displays it in the Inspector
* NeoFinder now catalogs thumbnails and metadata of “.webm” video files, if ffmpeg is installed
* When using ffmpeg to catalog video thumbnails, NeoFinder now also tries to find a sidecar XMP file with metadata
* Improved handling of “find date is after” or “before” for all date related searches
* The Spotlight search now also deals with Keyword or Tag parameters, and finds the suitable items from your disks
* Improved handling of ID3 tags in MP3 files created by certain Windows and Mac software
* You can now minimize all progress windows into the dock
* Improved accessibility
* Many many further improvements and little fixes
* NeoFinder 7.0 now requires Mac OS X 10.7 or newer

NeoFinder Highlights:
Cataloging – NeoFinder catalogs metadata of songs, movies, fonts, and photos, including the MP3-Tags of several audio file formats, EXIF, GPS, and IPTC data of photos. NeoFinder also edits Adobe XMP data, including keywords. All these are arranged clearly in the user interface, and can be extensively searched. For numerous photo and video formats, fonts, text files, and even audio files, NeoFinder generates thumbnails during cataloging, displaying them in all list and icon views.

Networking – Store your catalog database on a server for access from all Macs in the network, and with the sidekick product abeMeda (was CDWinder for Windows) even from Microsoft Windows.

Mobile – Keep your NeoFinder database with you on your iPhone or iPad with the separate NeoFinder for iOS app.

Integration – Offering a tight connection to major productivity tools, such as Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office, Roxio Toast, FileMaker Pro, Apples Spotlight and Finder, and the extensive support of drag&drop into other applications, NeoFinder can support many workflow scenarios.

Geotagging – Only NeoFinder offers the integrated GeoFinder, which searches for photos taken near a spot, or the KMZ export for coordinates and photo thumbnails as a way to give geolocated photos to friends. NeoFinder can even geotag photos itself, no other software needed. And only NeoFinder displays amazing facts about any geolocation in the unique Wikipedia Inspector.

Since the initial release of CDFinder 1.0 in 1996, more than 70,000 customers in 100 countries around the world are using CDFinder and now NeoFinder to organise their digital library, and manage their data archive and backups, including NASA, IKEA, BBC, Mattel, Rand McNally, Pfizer, Random House, Oracle, and Warner Bros.

Language Support:
* German, English, French, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and Japanese

System Requirements:
* Requires Mac OS X v10.7 – 10.12 Sierra
* Previous CDFinder and NeoFinder versions for older Mac OS versions are still available
* Separate app for iOS (iPhone and iPad) is available

Pricing and Availability:
NeoFinder 7.x is a paid upgrade to licensed users of NeoFinder 6.x and CDFinder, upgrade price starting at 19 Euros. Cross-grades for users of competing applications (DiskLibrary, FileFinder, CatFinder, Canto Cumulus, Disk Tracker, DiskCatalogMaker, Atomic View, iView Media Pro, Extensis Portfolio, and more) are available. A free NeoFinder demo version can be downloaded from the NeoFinder website, the price for new users starts at 29,00 (EUR). Multiple user packs are available for network users.

NeoFinder 7.0
Direct Download for Mac
Application Icon

Norbert M. Doerner is a computer scientist with a love for integration and cool products. He develops great Macintosh software since 1991. Popular products include the disk cataloger NeoFinder (was CDFinder), various plugins for the Finder, iPhoto and Aperture, and the audio transcription software Copyright (C) 1991-2016 Norbert M. Doerner. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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