Farmers Branch, Texas – The Japanese translation of “Indie Game Development – The Freedom to Create Your Game” has been made available on the Apple iBooks store. It covers many of the topics and questions any new studio should be asking themselves to avoid falling into some of the same pitfalls that others have. It relies heavily on veteran game developer, Ed Magnin’s 35+ year career in the game industry.

Ed worked for some of the top game developers of their day – MicroProse, Cinemaware, Virgin Games, and Park Place Productions, before starting his own studio in 1993 to focus on handheld games. After successful Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Nintendo DS, they continue to develop iOS, Android, and Windows Phone games. The translation into Japanese was done by fellow indie game developer Takao Wada from Nagoya, Japan.

Topics covered include:
* Before Indie (*)
* Third Party Development (*)
* Freedom (to make the game you want) (*)
* What does it take?
* What makes a good game?
* Game Concept
* Game Design Document
* Game Proposal
* Why games are late?
* Building a Team
* Technical Decisions
* Graphics Creation
* Importance of Audio
* How to manage a game project
* What do you do when you get behind
* Keep a progress file
* Some legal issues to consider
* Start play testing early
* Reaching the finish line
* It’s time!
* Submission
* Approval
* PR and Marketing
* Giving Back

(*) included in Free sample version

Pricing and Availability:
To be affordable to indie game developers or those contemplating become one, it is priced around $15 USD (or equivalent local currency in the 50 iBooks stores around the world). To be easily accessible to indie game developers everywhere it is available for download on the iBooks store. The first three chapters are included in the Free sample version from iBooks. For a full review copy, send contact info and information about your publication to Ed Magnin.

Magnin Games
Japanese (and English) iBooks
Book Cover (Japanese)
Book Cover (English)

Ed Magnin has been actively involved in the game industry since 1979. Earlier in his career he worked for some of the top game developers of their day – MicroProse, Cinemaware, Virgin Games, and Park Place Productions. In 1993, he founded Magnin & Associates and has focused on handheld games ever since. For the last 6 years they have created over 20 for the iOS (with over a million App Store downloads), 7 for Android, and 6 for Windows Phone. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2015 Magnin & Associates. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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