Sakiai, Lithuania – Theme Inn, a graphic design company that specializes in creating high-quality templates for Microsoft Office for Mac, has again expanded its selection of templates for MS Office users. The new update adds 50 fresh designs for MS Word for Mac.
In total, Bundle for MS Office contains 5 collections of elegant and easily-customizable designs. The Templates for MS Word set now supplies a kit of 1,050 easy-to-use templates for creating business and personal documents with Word. It provides an inclusive variety of designs, from letters and brochures to greeting cards and books. All templates are available in US and international page sizes.
The second high-quality pack, Templates for MS Excel, now offers 115 diverse and functional templates for Excel. They make daily chores a lot more manageable, whether used for business or personal needs such as vacation planning. Users can personalize the templates to their requirements: create tables, make calculations, draw diagrams, and insert images. Excel templates are also available in US and international page sizes.
The Templates for MS PowerPoint set incorporates 90 first-class designs for PowerPoint presentations. More than just good-looking backgrounds, these templates consist of up to 20 individual master slides. This allows users to choose the best layout for their information, whether it is almost entirely made up of bullet points, consists of a mix of text and illustrations, or presents multiple graphs and tables.
Templates Pro for MS Word is a collection of 35 template lines, designed to give an outstanding unified, design to all documents representing a user’s company. With Templates Pro for MS Word, users can turn their documents into part of a successful advertising campaign.
The Motion Themes set is created for exclusive PowerPoint presentations. The pack includes 20 themes, each providing 14 master slides, which allow users to choose the ideal layout for their ideas, proposals, and solutions.
System Requirements:
* MS Office 2008 for Mac or later
* OS X 10.6.6 or later
* 4.97 GB
Pricing and Availability:
Bundle for MS Office 1.8 is $39.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide through the Mac App Store in the Productivity category. Product samples can be viewed at Theme Inn’s website.
Theme Inn
Bundle for MS Office 1.8
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Theme Inn is a team of professional Mac designers who specialize in developing high-quality templates for Microsoft Office for Mac. The company defines its work through careful attention to rich visuals, ease of use and wide adaptability. Theme Inn’s products are designed to save users time and help them achieve the best results. Copyright (C) 2013 Theme Inn. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.