Canterbury, United Kingdom – Independent developer XTC Arts today is proud to announce the release of Number Whizz, its popular educational math game for kids aged 6+, available on iOS and Android.”Its greatest features are the app’s simplicity and tempo; the game is pick up and play simple and the action never stops, so children never lose interest whilst playing. This quickly improves their mental arithmetic. The game requires kids to delete an ever growing, accelerating chain of numbers using number bonds. The app releases worldwide on 10th May 2014, promo codes are available for early access.
Number Whizz is centered on the principle of number pairing to ten. Numbers appear one by one on the right hand side of the screen and slowly make their way to the left. The player must enter the number that when added to the first number in the queue makes ten. If correct, the number is deleted and they must move to the next number in the queue. As the player deletes more and more numbers, the speed will gradually increase and the game will end when the first number in the queue reaches the end.
“The reason for creating this app was to find a way to help boost kids mental arithmetic whilst they were having fun,” explained Ben Wordsworth, founder of XTC Arts. “The app was extensively tested using a class of students in Ashford, England and went through many iterations before we arrived at the final product. The class played Number Whizz on their shared iPad and they very much enjoyed trying to get the high score. The scores of the kids rapidly increased and their improvement was apparent very quickly. We had originally implemented a way for the kids to track their improvement over time, but they were only interested in their top scores so for simplicity we temporarily removed it. However we fully expect to put it back in if teachers and parents should request such a feature.”
* Educational maths game for children aged 6+
* Uses number bonds to improve arithmetic
* Delete ever-increasing chain of numbers
* Simple and colorful design
* Cost: $0.99 (GBP0.69), discount for educational institutes
* Release: Out now
* Devices: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and most Android devices
* No hidden costs or In App Purchases
* No data mining
* Press kit available from website
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 20.7 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Number Whizz 1.1 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide through the App Store in the Education category. Number Whizz is also available for Android devices on Google Play. Promo codes available.
XTC Arts
Number Whizz 1.1
Direct Download Link
App Icon
Press Kit (zip)
XTC Arts is focussed on developing a range of apps for people of all backgrounds. Presently, the company is dedicated to educational and kids apps. They teamed up with Newcastle University last year to bring out ‘Apocalypse Lab,’ a strategy game about saving the world that gently informs the user about healthy living and ageing. At Christmas the company released a fun game about splatting penguins with ice cream called ‘Penguin Blitz.’ All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 XTC Arts. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.