Bangalore, India – Pirates of Bollywood, Dr. Kalyan’s second legal thriller is now available for order on iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and Gum Road. Acclaimed a feast for thriller enthusiasts, Kalyan’s earlier work, a patent law thriller, Road Humps and Sidewalks had received great reviews. The said novel is also available on iBooks and other platforms for free download for the benefit of interested readers.
Set in Bombay, the seat of Bollywood, the novel zooms in on the tussle between film producers, who use copyright as a money making machine, and pirates, who thrive on slavish copying, defiance of copyright law at the core of their business. Court room drama, thrilling sequences, legal insights, and enriching encounters, paint a picture of Bollywood piracy, not too far removed from reality. Adding imagination to experience, Pirates of Bollywood gives wings to a conspiracy theory, which underlies the seemingly unstoppable piracy racket.
Dr. Kalyan’s second legal thriller, Pirates of Bollywood, takes the reader through an adventurous journey of Arjun, a blind lawyer, and Helen, a committed cop, as they chase pirates in Mumbai, the seat of Bollywood. Converging police action and legal drama, the novel unfolds the story of piracy, never told before. It packs court room drama, pirate emotions, film production challenges, and mafia wars in a nail biting narrative. Knowledge of copyright law, insight into affairs of the Indian film industry, and the unseen piracy chain, are packed in the pirate tale, not too far removed from reality.
Talking about his work, Dr. Kalyan said, “Piracy has always been a problem for film and music producers, and will continue to be so. Many have tried to crack the intricate piracy puzzle, and have failed miserably. The object of pirates, from those on high seas to those in the digital world, have a common thread, plunder and prosper. My Pirates of Bollywood is a pirate story, a story of people, who live amongst us, a story that pervades every day life in India, and a story that underscores most films we watch. I hope you will enjoy reading it.”
A peek into Pirates of Bollywood is available on Apple iBooks, Barnes and Noble and Kobo. You can try getting through the first twenty percent, before making up your mind on ordering it.
Pirates of Bollywood
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Book Cover
Dr. Kalyan Kankanala manages the largest new age Intellectual Property Firm, BananaIP Counsels, headquartered at Bangalore, India. In addition to helping clients maximize business value from intellectual assets, Kalyan also consults for United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), and teaches at premier institutions such as National Law School of India University, Bangalore, and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 Dr. Kalyan Kankanala. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.