Reston, Virginia – Software and Computer Systems Company, LLC (SCSC) has released a new web based document titled “The Signs and Symptoms of Hard Disk and Solid State Drive Problems.” The document replaces its predecessor, which was titled “Bad Hard Drive SIgns and Symptoms.” The new article adds information relative to solid state drives which was missing in its now dated predecessor. Additionally, it describes a host of problems and their related symptoms that behave very much like hard disk or solid state drive problems but they may or may not be actual problems. Aside from its informational value, the document can be used by people currently using the company’s drive and system testing application, Scannerz for Mac OS X. The set of pages uses SCSC’s new hybrid desktop/mobile website format.

“We’ve been migrating, updating, and periodically adding to the original article, but it was time for an overhaul, and this is it,” stated an SCSC spokesman. “Over the past two years it became quite clear that people visiting the site aren’t looking for long winded technical descriptions describing how this or that works, they want to find out if they have problems, and if they do, they want to know what they are. Sometimes what appears to be a drive problem can actually be a problem with the logic board. In other cases, there may not even be a problem with the drive or the system, it may just be the way the user is using the system. With this in mind the main article links to four other pages that address actual hard drive and SSD problems, system problems, software problems, and finally user problems. Hopefully people will find the article useful.”

The article starts with it’s main page which classifies several symptoms of hard disk and SSD problems into possible sources and provides links to the other pages comprising all content. When someone encounters a problem, they can look at the symptoms and then view the appropriate links. The set of web pages use SCSC’s new hybrid desktop/mobile format and can be view by anything as small as an iPhone to as big as a desktop unit with a large display.

SCSC currently produces Scannerz with Performance Probe, Phoenix, and FSE/FSE-Lite. This line of products for Mac OS X which have been designed to help identify many of the problems identified in the article.

Software and Computer Systems Company
The Signs and Symptoms of Hard Disk and Solid State Drive Problems
Scannerz for Mac OS X

Software and Computer Systems Company, LLC (SCSC) was formed in 2005. It is legally licensed to do business as a limited liability company in accordance with the laws of the State of Virginia. Originally, SCSC focussed on producing its own line of cross platform software tools using Java. The applications consisted of performance enhancing application tools, engineering and scientific tools, and tools for the medical sciences. In 2008, SCSC changed its focus and became dedicated primarily to developing products for use on the Mac OS X and IOS operating systems. SCSC’s product line up for Mac OS X currently consists of Scannerz with FSE, Scannerz with FSE-Lite, FSE, and SpotOff with Spot-O-Meter. Scannerz is a hard drive scanning tool, FSE is a file system events monitor, and FSE-Lite is a less capable version of FSE and is included in all base versions of Scannerz. SpotOff and Spot-O-Meter allow a user to control and monitor Spotlight activity. Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Software and Computer Systems Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo and Mac OS X platforms are trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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