New York, New York – Magzter pursues its goal of becoming the preferred destination for digital reading in Europe with another sign-up in Turkey with B2B Medya. That the Magzter app is at #1 in Turkey is no surprise; for re-enforcing that top position once again is the world’s largest and fastest growing global digital newsstand and book store’s newest association with Istanbul’s B2B Medya.

The publications from the B2B Medya brand available on Magzter are:
* Su ve evre Teknolojileri – focusing on the current source of water and the Environmental Technologies’ Industry, Yalitim (about the building and insulation industry), ative Cephe (the roof and faade industry), Su ve evre Teknolojileri (on water and Environmental Technologies)
* Tersane (on the ship construction sector and sub sectors), Boatbuilder Turkey (yacht and boat building services) and Yesil Bina (on green buildings and other sustainable building technologies in Turkey

Readers can read their favorite Turkish magazines digitally with ease on Magzter or through the Magzter app. 6 leading B2B magazines from the Istanbul based B2B Medya can now be accessed by Magzter’s 21 million global digital subscribers while making other digital consumers on the web aware of its availability. The world’s largest and fastest growing global digital newsstand has its exemplary Orey Click Publishing(R) System to credit for its rising popularity among publishers everywhere, making it truly the digital presence that is most wanted and most accessed.

“There is an impressive collection of content available in Europe and Turkey ranks high on that list. We are determined to get all these great reads onto the Magzter newsstand and to digital subscribers all across the world and are certain this model will be inspiring for other global publishers as well,” said Girish Ramdas, CEO and Co-Founder, Magzter.

“Publishers in Turkey have shown a tremendous response to Magzter’s digital publishing; the number of sign-ups in the recent past is clear testimony to it. We will continue to research and bring on board great content from all across the world and are certain the associations we have established in Europe, and Turkey in particular will act as a catalyst to bring on more publishers,” said Vijay Radhakrishnan, President and Co-Founder, Magzter.

Ismail Ceyhan B2B Medya, General Director, said, “In Turkey, B2B Medya is a firm which publishes 6 magazines in construction-environment and marine sectors, and by aligning with Magzter now reaches to more than 21 million subscribers globally. We are happy to be available on Magzter and hope to consolidate on our position as a leader in this category.”

B2B Medya has been established in October 2009 with the purpose of focusing on exclusively B2B publishing by carrying the “principled, modern, reliable B2B publishing perspective and tradition” to the future. B2B Medya is also the broadcaster of 7 websites. B2B Medya, creates communication channels with special solutions to differentiate its clients from their competitors. It supports the companies’ marketing communication studies with its magazines and up-to-date database. B2B Medya is using a database which includes categorized addresses according to their industries, occupational groups, and subcategories for each province of Turkey, delivers your brochures, catalogues, bulletins according to the target audience intended in a professional way through the channels: e-mailing, direct mailing or delivery within the magazine. B2B Medya database is regularly updated.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 16.8 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Magzter – Magazine & Book Store 3.1.4 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the News category.

Magzter – Magazine & Book Store 3.1.4
Download from iTunes
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Download from Windows 8
App Icon

Magzter Inc. is the world’s largest and fastest growing self-service, cross-platform digital magazine store and newsstand with over 19 million digital consumers, more than 3500 magazines, 1000s of books and comic titles from over 1000 publishers. Headquartered in New York, Magzter has its local offices in London, Paris, Barcelona, Munich, Amsterdam, Cape Town, Chennai and Singapore and will soon be expanding to other countires. Founded by global entrepreneurs, Girish Ramdas and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan in June 2011, Magzter enables magazine publishers around the world to create and deliver digital editions of their titles to global consumers. Powered by its proprietary OREY Click Publishing System(R), Magzter also enables their customers to publish interactive/audio-visual content in the magazine as it supports HTML 5. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 Magzter Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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