Frankfurt, Germany – Eltima Software has just released USB Network Gate 4.0 for Mac OS X. This new major update offers full-blown OS X El Capitan support, which makes it compatible with OS X 10.9 – 10.11. USB Network Gate primary functionality is making it possible to work with remote USB devices from a local computer over Internet/LAN/WAN as if those devices were plugged in a local machine directly. Those devices can be next door or in a different country and it will make no difference at all.
Here’re new features offered by USB Network Gate 4.0:
* A completely new driver with OS X 10.11 support
* Third-party libraries were updated to their latest versions for enhanced stability
* Improved sharing of keyboard and devices that take a long time to start
* Fixed problems with updating the firmware on an iPad shared on Windows
* Improved interface
USB Network Gate for Mac lets its users perform the following:
* Connect remote devices to local Mac over Ethernet, Internet, LAN, WAN
* Share USB device among multiple computers
* Use USB devices on virtual machines & blade servers
* Access USB device over RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
* Share your device with anyone at any location
USB Network Gate is available for multiple OS types – Mac, Windows, and Linux – which makes sharing and accessing the shared devices pretty versatile.
Pricing and Availability:
USB Network Gate runs on Mac OS 10.9 and later and costs $89.95 (USD) for sharing 1 USB device. Please note that USB Network Gate by Eltima Software is licensed according to the number of shared USB devices. Every server computer (where the device will be shared) requires a separate license. Client module of USB Network Gate is free and unlimited in quantities used.
USB Network Gate for Mac 4.0
Download USB Network Gate
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Press Kit (zip)
Eltima Software is a global software Development Company, specializing primarily in serial communication, mobile and flash software for Mac OS and Windows. Eltima Software delivers top-notch solutions having a friendly team of 40 professionals. Copyright (C) 2016 Eltima Software. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.